Sheers & Drapes

Control the Sunlight, Control your Life……Part 6

Sheers & Drapes:Though the modern technology has improved the window blinds and shades, the demand for sheers and drapes never goes out of fashion. A window can be dressed in a single layer of sheer for light filtration or a layer of…
Arch & Angle Windows

Window Coverings for Specialty Shaped Windows

Specialty shaped windows includes: Arch, Quarter Arch, Extended arch, Eyebrow, Extended Eyebrow, Circle, Oval, Hexagon, Pentagon, Angled and more.When it comes to specialty shaped windows, finding suitable window coverings can be even…
Roman Shades

Control the Sunlight, Control your Life……Part 7

Roman Shades:Roman Shades are window coverings made of fabrics or sheer that stacks up when raised. There are different versions and styles of roman shades for example Hobbled, Flat, Relaxed etc. Almost any fabric can be used, depending…